
Stina has been experimenting with photography since she was a child after her father gave her a camera for her 8th birthday. Whether she is documenting a birth, photographing a wedding, or shooting portraits, her work is characterized by her use of light, emotional expression, and narrative style. Known for being a people person who works well with others. She's innovative and resourceful- an excellent problem solver and a team player who understands how to collaborate well with others on and off set. She loves the challenge of shooting on location but is just as comfortable in a studio. She holds a degree from The Information and Media Technical College in Reykjavik and was an apprentice for Torfi Agnarsson and still serves as his assistant in major projects.

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Stína er ljósmyndari að mennt. Hún útskrifaðist frá Tækniskólanum í Reykjavík árið 2012 og fór þá á samning hjá Torfa Agnarsyni auglýsingaljósmyndara og hefur starfað sem aðstoðarkona hans síðustu árin.


Ármúla 17a , 108 Reykjavík

Pantanir í síma 662-1939 eða tölvupósti: